Churro Cupcakes with Fried Tortilla Toppers
Our family is really into Tacos! And I mean way more than Taco Tuesday. It’s more like Taco Tuesday through Saturday with Burritos on Sunday and Monday. At least, that’s how it would be if I cooked only what I like to eat. I just love tacos. They are delicious any way you make them and they are pretty inexpensive, so that makes them great party food. So for the first party of our holiday season, we are having a taco bar.
But what dessert do you want to make with a taco bar? There is no party without something sweet (also a personal feeling). The first thing that comes to my mind for a latin themed dessert is–cinnamon (which also goes really well with Fall). For this party, we made Churro Cupcakes with a Dulce de Leche filling. They are delicious with hints of cinnamon and sugar everywhere. First the cake, which I choose to make from a boxed yellow cake, is swirled with cinnamon and brown sugar. Then it’s filled with the Dulce de Leche caramel and topped with a cinnamon cream cheese frosting.
But there is no churro cupcake without something fried. So we finished the cake off with fried, cinnamon-sugar tortillas, cut in the shape of leaves. My daughter has just turned two and she already loves to be in the kitchen with me. And I love having her there. So I wanted to top the cupcakes with something that she could help me make. Together we used cookie cutters to cut shaped tortillas, which she LOVED! Then I took over for the frying before we sprinkled the “leaves” With cinnamon and sugar. This took less than 10 minutes, but was a great way to spend time working alongside my daughter in the kitchen.
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These cakes were a hit at the party and have a perfect amount of cinnamon whispered in every bite!

- Yellow Cake mix, mixed as directed
- 1/2 C Brown Sugar
- 1 tsp Cinnamon
- 1 Can Nestle Dulce de Leche
- 1 C Butter, at room temperature
- 8 oz Cream Cheese, at room temperature
- 4 C Powder Sugar
- 3 oz Milk
- 2 tsp Vanilla
- 2 tsp Cinnamon
- Flour Tortillas
- Cookie Cutters
- 1/2 Stick Butter
- Cinnamon and Sugar mixture
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees and fill cupcake pan with 24 liners.
- Mix cake mix as directed and set aside. Whisk cinnamon into brown sugar and set aside. Fill cupcakes 1/2 full with batter, add spoon of cinnamon sugar, then top with a little more batter. Use toothpick to swirl the cinnamon and sugar throughout the batter. Repeat in each cupcake liner.
- Bake cake for about 20 minutes.
- Remove from oven and pan then set on rack to cool. When cool cut out the centers and spoon Dulce de Leche into the middle of the cakes. Make sure to fill completely so the top of the cake is smooth.
- Cream butter and cream cheese together until smooth.
- Add Powder sugar 1 C at a time, stirring between additions. if the mixture become too thick add wet ingredients after 3 C.
- Add milk, vanilla, and cinnamon then stir to desired texture. Add a little more Powder Sugar or Milk to make mixture thicker or Looser.
- Pipe onto cooled and filled cupcakes.
- Use cookie Cutters to cut tortillas into desired shape. Then toss into skillet of melted butter (Melt butter over medium heat and leave on to fry).
- Fry tortillas until golden on both sides. Remove from skillet and place in bowl filled with a paper towel to absorb the excess oil. Sprinkle with Cinnamon Sugar mixture while still hot. This helps the sugar to stick to the tortilla best.