4 Tips for Baking with kids this Fall
Even though I have been AWOL this Summer, the Fall has got me right back into the baking. More importantly it has gotten me right back into doing things in the kitchen with my kids!
I love being in my kitchen and it makes me beyond ecstatic that my kids want to be in there with me. Here are a few tips that I have learned about including toddlers in the kitchen.
1. Make things that they like and Decorate with toys! This way they want to be in there. They want to listen and help and taste. When I make things they are interested in, they are motivated to follow my instructions. This is especially true when you are using toys. Toys look fun and realistic, add souvenirs to party treats, and are easy for kids to help with.
2. Use oversized bowls! This is beyond important when you are trying to keep things clean. My kids love to stir, but they are not so good at keeping the ingredients inside the bowl. When you pull out the largest bowl you have to let the kids mix 1 C of flour with baking agents, there isn’t a mess and your measurements don’t get off because you let the littles in on the action.
3. Use cookie cutters! These are great for making toppers. You can cut tortillas, dough, bread, cookies, and pretty much anything you can think of. And the kids love to use them and see the shapes. You can even use cookie cutters for carving your pumpkins this Halloween…
4. Try sprinkles in all colors and anything dipped… Even with overzealous sprinklers these treats look great. They can be varied to accommodate dietary needs (did you know that oreos don’t have eggs?). They can be seasonal because you add monster eyes or Fall colors. They can also pretend to be healthy as a fun way to make bite sized caramel apples!
Just remember to let the kids be kids and have fun with their decorations. There will be a mess, but wouldn’t you rather have kiddos that like to help you in the kitchen and a little mess to clean up together than be the only one enjoying holiday baking this season? Besides, kids need to learn kitchen skills and they can start young. Look at these fun things my little put together… Yours can too!